
Test Drive – 2017 Kia Cadenza

Posted on June 16, 2017

With summer time right around the corner, there is so much to do and see! As many of you may know, I love to travel. If I’m not flying to an exotic island or freezing my tail off in Iceland, I’m always down for a road trip! In partnership with Kia Motors, I had the chance to experience an exclusive at-home test drive in the all-new 2017 Kia Cadenza and let me tell you, I was immediately impressed! Our driverRead More

Sterna Tours – Iceland

Posted on February 18, 2017

I was super excited to take a tour. Yes, our rental car gave us the freedom to come and go but I was looking forward to the full experience of each location and the history. Sterna travel offers a variety of tours around Iceland. We decided to tour “The Beautiful South Coast.” Our trip started with an 8:30am pick up at our hotel and about an hour ride to our first location. The first stop was massive Skógafoss, said byRead More

Travel: Driving in Iceland with Lagoon Car Rental

Posted on February 15, 2017

I’ve been lucky enough to have the opportunity to drive all over the world but I honestly had no idea what to expect in Iceland. I just imagined being surrounded by glaciers lol, just kidding. From what I researched, I knew Iceland was cold and had some breathtaking landscapes but had no idea how my friend Carla and I were going to get around.  Thankfully, we partnered up with Lagoon Car Rental to make getting around the island easier.  IRead More

Travel: Hotel Reykjavik Natura – Iceland

Posted on February 7, 2017

If you have followed me on Instagram, I’m sure you noticed that I LOVE to travel.  I really enjoy just getting on a plane and waking up somewhere sunny and warm but I decided to do something different this year and check Iceland off my bucket list. I had the wonderful opportunity to stay at the Hotel Reykjavik Natura located in central Reykjavik. After driving for about an hour from the airport, I was excited to see what the hotelRead More

The Golden Hour

Posted on April 12, 2016

I just love that time, right before sunset, when everything just seems to glow. Those few minutes when the sun is low in the sky and creates such a beautiful warm light. Soooo perfect for pics (no filters needed.) Photos: Emma McAlary Jacket: Gap Sunglasses: Ray-Ban (thanks Emma for letting me borrow them!) Top: All Saints Jeans: Rag & Bone Boots: Steve Madden

Tourist in my own city

Posted on March 14, 2016

Ok so, how many of you have been born and raised or lived in a state/country for a long time and have yet to visit any of the known tourist attractions? I know, I’m guilty too. I mean I am originally from New York City (The Bronx to be specific) and I haven’t been to the Statue of Liberty yet! *insert surprised emoji face* So I started this ritual of taking myself on dates to the Smithsonian museums here inRead More

Three stripes

Posted on March 12, 2016

I have always had this “thing” for Adidas. From one, they are super comfortable, but I totally associate them with growing up in the Boogie Down Bronx. I will never forget when I saw my first pair on a girl on MTV back in the day when they used to show music videos. I just knew I needed a pair, and that’s when my love affair began. I mean, I remember when I used to save my allowance to goRead More

Faux Fab Find

Posted on March 9, 2016

Confession: I have been looking for the perfect faux fur jacket since the beginning of the winter. The ones I found, I thought they were ALL too expensive and just weren’t the right color. I didn’t want to buy the typical black or anything with patterns because I felt it would be too overwhelming for my small frame. But I got lucky! I found this olive green beauty at Zara on sale for 60 bucks!! Wooo Hooo! I think IRead More

Ready for Spring

Posted on March 8, 2016

Hey guys! I know, I know. I have been slacking on my posts (my bad). I have been extremely busy and I am just trying to balance it all but I’m BACK! I don’t know about you guys but I am super excited for springtime to come. You know, like when the weather is warm enough to just rock a simple tee and a pair of distressed jeans. It’s my favorite outfit to wear any day. What is your “go-to”Read More

Dr. Martens X Rock Yo Rizos

Posted on November 17, 2015

Remember a couple of weeks ago I posted on Instagram a sneak peek of my collab with Dr. Martens?   Here’s why.  I was selected by SCDC Agency and Neuprofile as the ambassador for the iconic brand during Georgetown Blogger Crawl!  Ok, so I don’t leave some of you wondering what #GTBloggerCrawl is all about – it’s a day comprised of a group of local (DC, MD and VA) bloggers learning about the area and some of its top stores.  I mustRead More