
Ella’s Concoctions Review (Part 1)

Posted on December 22, 2013

A couple of weeks ago, I received a package of goodies from a fellow naturalista Jess Brooks – owner of Ella’s Concoctions.  I was really looking forward to trying them because they are all 100% raw and organic hair, skin, and body products.  Also, they are all home made and safe for use on children! From the moment I opened the box,  there was a sweet aroma of butterscotch candy and mint (you’ll understand why in a bit).  I just couldn’tRead More

Wash Yo Rizos Day! My niece Sanai

Posted on December 20, 2013

I visited my niece a couple of weeks ago and it was WASH DAY! I was excited to see the regimen my sister created for them and what hair care products she uses. Below Sanai had 6 day dirty pelo.  Check out the process below… BEFORE (braid out) CONDITIONER MIXTURE AFTER Process Time: 46 mins Wash: 1X with Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo.  My sister Ceci normally uses this product on Sanai once a month to remove all of the buildup from herRead More