“shea moisture”

Whoa Wednesday! Meet Kimberly

Posted on February 5, 2014

I came across this beauty on you guessed it- Instagram!  I have to admit, I saw those rizos and just scrolled through her feed and I noticed that she was more than just a beautiful face with a gorgeous head of hair.  Read below and see what I mean – Here’s Kimberly! 1. Name and where you are from? Hi there! My name is Kimberly Hill. I am originally from a small town in California, called Lancaster but I haveRead More

Wash Yo Rizos Day! My niece Sanai

Posted on December 20, 2013

I visited my niece a couple of weeks ago and it was WASH DAY! I was excited to see the regimen my sister created for them and what hair care products she uses. Below Sanai had 6 day dirty pelo.  Check out the process below… BEFORE (braid out) CONDITIONER MIXTURE AFTER Process Time: 46 mins Wash: 1X with Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo.  My sister Ceci normally uses this product on Sanai once a month to remove all of the buildup from herRead More

DC Family Weekend – More like #TBT

Posted on September 12, 2013

Sometimes Skype and FaceTime are not enough when you miss little sister and nieces – so I convinced her to come visit! We couldn’t have planned it better.  The weather was absolutely beautiful so we headed out and enjoyed every bit of it….. Meet Zoë Meet Sanai We had a picnic by the Jefferson Memorial  Zoë was up to something..  Uncle Sheldon came and Zoë started a handstand contest!  Sanai was showing her skills…    and Uncle Sheldon got a “A”Read More