“miss jessies”

Dominicians con RIZOS (Part 4) Meet Ixchel

Posted on January 7, 2014

Tell us about Ixchel! (As told by her mommy Ishtar) Ixchel Inanna Rojas (Ixchel is the mayan Moon Goddess, hence her nickname Luna Inanna is the Summerian goddess of love). She is 3 1/2 years old and in Pre-k. She is of Dominican, Venezuelan, and Colombian descent – Quite the mix, huh?  She has 3 older brothers, one of which is 10 years old and rocks an awesome afro as well. As a mommy of a little girl with natural hair, can you explainRead More

Ella’s Concoctions Review (Part 1)

Posted on December 22, 2013

A couple of weeks ago, I received a package of goodies from a fellow naturalista Jess Brooks – owner of Ella’s Concoctions.  I was really looking forward to trying them because they are all 100% raw and organic hair, skin, and body products.  Also, they are all home made and safe for use on children! From the moment I opened the box,  there was a sweet aroma of butterscotch candy and mint (you’ll understand why in a bit).  I just couldn’tRead More

WHOA Wednesday! Meet April

Posted on October 16, 2013

  1. Name and where you are from?   April Kayganich; Made in LA but raised in the fine land of Michigan. 2. How would you describe yourself?  Super Virgo, goofy, smart ass, perfectionist, ambitious, and hard working  3. Tell us something about you that will make us say WHOA!   I once found a large insect wing from an unknown bug in my hair when I took it down from a ponytail.  I couldn’t shower for weeks without freaking out wondering whereRead More