“Jane Carter Solution”

Dominicians con RIZOS (Part 4) Meet Ixchel

Posted on January 7, 2014

Tell us about Ixchel! (As told by her mommy Ishtar) Ixchel Inanna Rojas (Ixchel is the mayan Moon Goddess, hence her nickname Luna Inanna is the Summerian goddess of love). She is 3 1/2 years old and in Pre-k. She is of Dominican, Venezuelan, and Colombian descent – Quite the mix, huh?  She has 3 older brothers, one of which is 10 years old and rocks an awesome afro as well. As a mommy of a little girl with natural hair, can you explainRead More

Wash Yo Rizos Day! Jane Carter Solution Product Review

Posted on September 30, 2013

I was awarded the opportunity to try out the Jane Carter Solution Natural & Curly Hair Care Essential Kit!  I was eager to test these new products out because I have heard such great things about them and I have never used the products.   So here we go! Below is 8 days dirty pelo.  Check out the process below… BEFORE PREPOO CONCOCTION STEAM PREP AFTER STEAMING AFTER PRODUCTS USED Process Time: 3 hours and 12 mins Products (l to r):  JaneRead More