#iamlettingGO of all of the pressures that I put on myself for other people.
#IamlettingGO of my insecurities that people have found to be so beautiful.
#iamlettingGO of the negative energy I have surrounded myself around.
#iamlettingGO of what I thought was love.
#iamlettingGO and learning to live my life of happiness.
#iamlettingGO and loving the skin I live in.
#iamlettingGO and starting from SCRATCH.
Thank You’s:
To my dearest and super talented friend Maleknaz for capturing such a beautiful moment and always being there, right on time.
Gianne – for bringing my vision of this buzzcut to reality. I couldn’t think of a better person to share this moment with.
Virginia of DeNada for allowing me to have this moment in your beautiful space and giving me the chance to share your beautiful energy. I am forever grateful.
P.S. There’s more coming and I will answer ALL of your questions so STAY TUNED!!!

Photo by Maleknaz Photography
Thank You Mel. Thank you for showing me that its ok to Let Go and Start Again! Ive been having a stressful summer of let down after let down and was looking for some type of inspiration somewhere, anywhere…..until I found your buzzcut pic. The words you included in your caption has stayed with me! Thank you for sharing your heart, your pain, your story with me and others!
Your picture is a spot on visual of exactly where I am in my life at age 46!!!:) I am learning a little everyday to organically let go of ignorant an toxic things, thoughts, habits, and people that are no good for me so that I can be the Child of God, woman, mother, daughter, sister, and friend I need be. It is such a freeing feeling to do so! It’s all about sisters supporting each other instead of breaking each other down.#BETRUETOYOU#STANDFORSOMETHING#STOPHATING!